phoco PSW-H Pure Sine Wave Hybrid inverter

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Moderator: Ulrich

Beiträge: 2
Registriert: Fr 2. Dez 2022, 19:24

phoco PSW-H Pure Sine Wave Hybrid inverter

Beitrag von Verigak »

Hi ,
I need informations about the way to connect my inverter wireless to raspberry pi for example if there is a way to do the link with a wireless rs232 cable.
Thank you

Beiträge: 2
Registriert: Fr 2. Dez 2022, 19:24

Re: phoco PSW-H Hybrid inverter

Beitrag von Verigak »

Verigak hat geschrieben:
Fr 2. Dez 2022, 23:21
Hi ,
I need informations about the way to connect my inverter wireless to raspberry pi for example if there is a way to do the link with a wireless rs232 cable.
Thank you


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