ich versuche gerade, die Daten der Solaranzeige aus dem Docker heraus zu sichern.
Ich habe dazu die backup.sh von meinem Raspberry "umgebaut"
Code: Alles auswählen
#Dateiname backup.sh
#Speicherort /solaranzeige
#Datei ausführbar machen mit sudo chmod +x backup.sh
#Ordner data und old im Ordner /backup/ anlegen
#altes Backup vorher loeschen
rm /backup/old/*
mv /backup/data/* /backup/old/
#Backup erstellen
influxd backup -portable -database solaranzeige -host /backup/da>
service influxdb restart
tar -vcf /backup/data/BackupSolAnz_${zeit}.tar /var/www/html /var/lib/grafana />
Bei einem 2.ten ausführen der backup.sh kommt zudem folgende Fehlermeldung in der Konsole:
Code: Alles auswählen
rm: cannot remove '/backup/old/*': No such file or directory
mv: target '/backup/old/' is not a directory
2023/05/13 16:49:51 Download shard 0 failed dial tcp connect: co nnection refused. Waiting 2s and retrying (0)...
2023/05/13 16:49:53 Download shard 0 failed dial tcp connect: co nnection refused. Waiting 2s and retrying (1)...
2023/05/13 16:49:55 Download shard 0 failed dial tcp connect: co nnection refused. Waiting 2s and retrying (2)...
2023/05/13 16:49:57 Download shard 0 failed dial tcp connect: co nnection refused. Waiting 2s and retrying (3)...
2023/05/13 16:49:59 Download shard 0 failed dial tcp connect: co nnection refused. Waiting 2s and retrying (4)...
2023/05/13 16:50:01 Download shard 0 failed dial tcp connect: co nnection refused. Waiting 2s and retrying (5)...
2023/05/13 16:50:03 Download shard 0 failed dial tcp connect: co nnection refused. Waiting 3.01s and retrying (6)...
2023/05/13 16:50:06 Download shard 0 failed dial tcp connect: co nnection refused. Waiting 11.441s and retrying (7)...
Beste Grüße