Growatt ShineWiFi-X: Wechselrichter aus chinesischer Cloud befreien
mt Open Inverter Gateway und in Grafana darstellen geht auch damit
Anleitung Link: (dort gibt es auch ein Video) ... -befreien/
Firmware: ... terGateway
Supported sticks/microcontrollers
ShineWifi-S with a Growatt Inverter connected via serial (Modbus over RS232 with level shifter)
ShineWifi-X with a Growatt Inverter connected via USB (USB-Serial Chip from Exar)
Wemos-D1 with a Growatt Inverter connected via USB (USB-Serial Chip: CH340)
NODEMCU V1 (ESP8266) with a Growatt Inverter connected via USB (USB-Serial Chip: CH340)
ShineWifi-T (untested, please give feedback)
Lolin32 (ESP32) with a Growatt Inverter connected via USB
I tested several ESP8266-boards with builtin USB-Serial converters so far only boards with CH340 do work (CP21XX and FTDI chips do not work). Almost all ESP8266 modules with added 9-Pin Serial port and level shifter should work with little soldering via Serial.
See the short descriptions to the devices (including some pictures) in the "Doc" directory.
Supported Inverters
Growatt 1000-3000S
Growatt MIC 600-3300TL-X (Protocol 124 via USB/Protocol 120 via Serial)
Growatt MID 3-25KTL3-X (Protocol 124 via USB)
Growatt MOD 3-15KTL3-X-H (Protocol 120 via USB)
Growatt MOD 12KTL3-X (Protocol 124 via USB)
Growatt MID 25-40KTL3-X (Protocol 120 via USB)
Growatt SPH 4000-10000STL3-X BH (Protocol 124 via Serial)
And others ....
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Growatt ShineWiFi-X Wechselrichter aus chinesischer Cloud befreien
Moderator: Ulrich
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